About Us

 What we
Stand for?

Explore Shakti Clubs

Political participation goes beyond voting - it’s about decision-making, activism, and political awareness. Yet in India, women vote and run for office far less frequently than men, despite the push for gender equality. The burden of unpaid work and social and economic barriers, such as poverty, lack of education, and limited access to resources, block their path to power.

Our goal is to guarantee that women receive 50% of resources, opportunities, and power. We believe that women-centric politics is the path to equal rights and ownership (Haq & Hissedari) for women. Through this, we aim to create an equal space for 'women’s interests' in politics and decision-making, driven by the representation 'of women by women' at all levels of governance - local bodies, legislative assemblies, and parliament.

Explore Shakti Clubs

Our Vision

Political empowerment of

We are committed to the political empowerment of women by encouraging them in organization building, leading protests, rallies, and demonstrations, policy making, and participate in elections. We empower women to become informed voters and politically active citizens. By building a women-led political movement, we aim to ensure that policies at all levels - local, state, and national - are also shaped by women, driving a vision of true gender equality and representation.

Community Building and Sisterhood

We work towards building women's communities at the grassroots based on the idea of sisterhood. We encourage women to actively engage in community-building initiatives to help women avail their rights and share in resources. By nurturing solidarity, mutual trust, and shared experiences, we create a powerful support system for women to rise together. Sisterhood drives Shakti Abhiyan, breaking barriers and building a future based on equal rights and ownership (Haq & Hissedari).

Nation building

We work towards the development of villages, bastis, and campuses to build a more inclusive and equitable society. True nation building starts at the grassroots, where empowering marginalized communities is essential for collective growth. By addressing social and economic disparities, we advocate for equal access to resources and opportunities. We believe true progress is only possible when women, representing half the population, have an equal share. To achieve this, we urge the women of India to unite against communal hate and violence to build a peaceful and inclusive nation.