Yavatmal, Maharashtra

Our fellow Ashlesha Sudhir, hailing from Yavatmal, Maharashtra, is a senior researcher in the Indian National Congress war room and serves as a National Spokesperson for the Indian National Congress. Ashlesha completed her bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Advertising from the International School of Business and Media, Pune. Among her many achievements, she demonstrated her competence as a group coordinator for the internationally acclaimed organization GreenPeace International. In the face of significant adversities, Ashlesha rebuilt her life from the ground up, with her family's support. Her secular upbringing instilled in her the values of creating a just and equitable society in India, where people can exercise their rights without discrimination and live harmoniously. She joined the Indira Fellowship seeking political mentorship to strengthen her mission to promote a secular India. She is dedicated to addressing the inequalities faced by women in higher education, employment, and politics. Ashlesha Sudhir's tenacity and resilience make her a steadfast advocate for social justice and a champion for the creation of a secular India.

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