Howarah Sadar, West Bengal

Our Fellow Namrata Mukherjee, hailing from Howrah, West Bengal, is a passionate social and political activist committed to the rights of women and children. Namrata has completed a Master’s degree in English literature and now works for the cause of women and children, rooted in her belief in equality and justice. Namrata's passion for politics and social justice was significantly influenced by her grandparents, who were active members of the Indian National Congress (INC). However, after marriage, Namrata's life took a difficult turn, leading her to return to her natal home and start teaching English at a tuition center. Her personal struggles, coupled with the resilience she developed, motivated her to fight for the rights and dignity of women and children facing similar circumstances. Namrata’s mission is to uplift women at the grassroots by enlightening them about their economic, social, and political rights. She joined Indira Fellowship with a hope to accelerate this journey. Currently, Namrata is focused on expanding the reach of her Shakti Clubs, continuing to empower women through education and employment opportunities, with a deep commitment to ending poverty and homelessness. Namrata Mukherjee’s dedication to social justice and her relentless efforts to uplift marginalized women and children make her an inspiring advocate for social and political change. Her story is a testament to the power of resilience and the importance of empowering those who are often 'silenced'.

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