Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh

Our Fellow, Nitu Singh, hailing from Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh, is a social activist with a special commitment to women's rights. Nitu has completed a master's degree in Hindi literature and now concentrates on building women political activists, which she believes will bring real change in women's lives. She is a strong advocate of 'politics driven by change' instead of a 'politics based on religion, caste, or creed'. Having witnessed the challenges faced by people in areas influenced by Naxalism, Nitu aims to reconstruct life in these areas, especially for women, through extensive on-ground engagement. After working for 24 years in non profit organizations, Nitu's desire to deepen her involvement in social issues and find a platform to elevate her work led her to the Indira Fellowship. According to Nitu, the Indira Fellowship has bridged the gap, ensuring that the resilient voices of women, hitherto silenced, are heard and led upfront. Inspired by Priyanka Gandhi’s “Ladki hu, ladh sakti hu” (I am a woman, and I can fight), Nitu emerges as a powerful force resisting patriarchal barriers. During her fellowship, Nitu has organized 45 Shakti Clubs in her locality and has mobilized 1,000 women through these clubs, as a result of which neetu observes that the ‘people’ have begun to ‘recognize and champion women's fight for their rights’. She has seen a transformation in ‘people’s behavior’, where they now discuss issues related to ‘respect, protection, and the rights of women’. Nitu Singh's true accomplishment lies in bringing more women leaders into politics. For Nitu, politics is not confined to gaining power but rather to bringing diverse individuals together and growing as an influential tribe of women. Nitu Singh's commitment to the cause of women in India and her determination to bring women into politics make her a fierce advocate for women's rights and political participation.

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