Bokaro, Jharkhand

Our Fellow Kalavati Devi, hailing from Bokaro, Jharkhand, is a social and political activist. Despite financial hardships leading to her early marriage, Kalavati continued her education, completing her studies up to the 10th grade. Her journey into politics and social work began soon after, marking a significant step forward in her life. Kalavati's decision to pursue education and engage in social and political activism after marriage with the support of her husband was a bold and revolutionary move in her patriarchal village, where women were traditionally expected to remain homemakers. This choice subjected the couple to intense scrutiny and opposition from their community. Kalavati reflects, “We were targets of a lot of criticism and opposition,” yet she remained steadfast in her efforts to overcome these challenges and pursue her dreams. Born into a family of landless farmers, Kalavati is deeply committed to the economic and political empowerment of women in her community. In this vein, she works with various NGOs, including Swayam Sahita Sangathan, for skill development for women. Currently, Kalavati serves as a frontline health worker at CDOT, connecting distressed women with doctors online to ensure they receive the necessary medical care. Kalavati’s key motivation stems from the ostracization her caste and community face within the village Panchayat. Despite being the backbone of farming and labor activities, her community is often deprived of government aid. She recalls that the only assistance they ever received was under the Indira Gandhi Awaas Yojana - a one-bedroom house worth 75,000 rupees, which they had to labor hard to expand into a two-bedroom home. These experiences deeply ingrained in her a strong commitment to equality and justice, fueling her sense of responsibility to fight for these rights on behalf of her community. Kalavati’s involvement with the Indira Fellowship has provided her with a platform to enhance her political presence and advocate for her community. Through Shakti Clubs, she conducts regular online and offline meetings to educate women about their rights. She is deeply committed to combating social evils such as child marriage and is determined to help women access widow pensions and housing schemes. Kalavati Devi’s dedication to social justice and her relentless pursuit of empowerment for marginalized women make her an inspiring figure in her community. Her journey is a testament to the strength of resilience and the importance of standing up for one’s rights, even in the face of adversity.

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